We’ve previously talked about coffee being brewed too sour, and the different reasons why the brew possibly ended up the way that it did. Today, we’re talking about the opposite end of that spectrum and looking at how coffee ends up being bitter. It’s not a big surprise that the vast majority of people would associate coffee being this bitter brew. Despite its reputation as being a bitter beverage, the reality of it is that coffee has many more complex and wonderful notes that get covered by the bitterness that comes from a myriad of different factors. Let’s take a look at them, shall we?
The Coffee Is Over-Extracted
Coffee is extracted in 3 phases: first are the sour notes, then the sweetness/complex notes, and finally the bitter notes. If your brew time is too long, you might end up getting to that third phase when the only thing left to extract are the bitter notes of the coffee. Your brew time for pour overs should be around that 3-minute mark, though if you’re still finding it bitter, you can try to cut that in 15 second increments.Check Your Grind Size And Grinder
When your coffee is ground on the finer side, it will extract faster, meaning it will also get to that bitter phase a lot faster as well. You’ll want to make sure your coffee is ground to that sweet spot that feels like kosher salt, not too coarse and not too fine. When you find that sweet spot, it should also help to improve your brew time since it will allow the water to pass through the coffee easier. Another tip is to check your grinder if it’s in need of a cleaning, since it not only earns a build-up of ground coffee, but it’s probably the one piece of your home brewing gear that you might forget to clean.