She makes herself a cup of coffee before facing a full day. Before the meal preps. Before the errands. Before the laundry, the tidying up, the paperwork and the meetings.
She makes herself a cup of coffee to mark the middle of the day, a little pat on the back for getting through the morning; for navigating through traffic, tantrums and, perhaps, some tech malfunctions. It is a boost to carry her over the rest of the day and night, fast approaching with its own carousel of cares and concerns.
These day markers may seem insignificant, regular, mundane. But to her these pauses are grounding, a chance to collect her strength, an opportunity to reignite her courage and, at times, a way to quiet her tumultuous mind. As she sips, she lets the sweetness delight her, she lets the tenderness of the moment carry her and care for her. She regains the confidence to embrace who she knows she already is. She allows herself to simply be. Be a leader. Be a friend. Be a caretaker. Be a teacher. Be a provider. Be a homemaker. Be Mom.
This piece has many elements that are significant to me as a mother but are also symbolic of coffee. First and foremost, the cup is a woman. She appears to be calm and composed but she could also be in a centering state (in other words, doing her best to remain calm). A fruit-bearing tree grows out of it, symbolizing fertility and her capability to produce things that nurture, sustain and beautify. But we know she cannot do it all on her own, there is a constant stream of love where she draws strength from and this can be her family, friends, mentors and community constantly giving her life and purpose. Just as any tree cannot live or bear fruit without sunlight or water, so can't she.
The heart on top is also a symbol of Motherhood -- a burning heart, always aflame for her family, for her craft. A heart that is always wary but also strong and steady. A heart that is ablaze but also delicate and soft.
The fruits in the tree are like berries, a nod to one of our tasting notes. There is a border of golden foliage that symbolize connectedness -- a Mother needs her tribe, her community.
This piece obviously celebrates womanhood and motherhood, but it also illustrates a natural cycle of things -- how we all depend on many factors outside of us to be able to produce something good. Just as coffee needs good soil, intelligent care-taking, water, sun and a knowledgeable team to grow it, so does a mother. Society expects much from a mother and relies greatly on her for many different things, but she is also reliant on others for her own sustenance and growth. She is expected to care for others but she, herself, needs to be cared for just as well.
By Nica Cosio